Our Story

Spark Minda Foundation was incorporated under Section 8 of the Companies Act and is the CSR wing for the group companies to undertake CSR programmes since 2014.


Lives Impacted


Learners imparted with skills


Empowered PwDs


Reformed inmates

The main aim of Spark Minda Foundation is to strengthen community development by targeting Education, Livelihood Promotion, Women Empowerment, Facilitation of Healthcare, Empowerment of People with Disabilities and Sustaining the Environment. In keeping with this aim, the Foundation runs projects and programmes for the communities in the rural and semi-urban areas of 5 states of India, namely, Uttarakhand, Uttar Pradesh, Haryana, Maharashtra and Tamil Nadu.

The vision of the Foundation is to build a sustainable society by enhancing the quality of life; protecting the planet through affirmative actions and establishing integrated and inclusive growth of people and the environment. The approach is need-based and focuses on collaborating with like-minded institutions to cater to a wide range of people around the nation. The CSR strategies are designed to address some of the global concerns in the Indian context keeping the programmes aligned with the Sustainability goals offered by the United Nations.


Our Inspiration

Community Development has always been a value-driven concept at Spark Minda Group, which Late Shri S.L. Minda “Babuji” started. His boundless vision and energy were not just restricted to business; he was a Philanthropist, Visionary and Founder of the Minda Group. He worked hard for the marginalised sections of society, focusing on education, employment, culture, healthcare and sports.

He devoted most of his life to serving the needy and the vulnerable. Standing by five pillars in his life: Discipline, Dedication, Determination, Devotion, and Desire, he lived with integrity. Spark Minda Foundation’s efforts over the years have been an attempt to carry forward his legacy and humanitarian value.

Shri Shadi Lal Minda (1930-2010)



vision_icon Vision

To build a sustainable society through improving the quality of life protect the planet through affirmative action and establish integrated and inclusive growth of people and environment.

vision_icon Mision

  • To Provide access of education to less privileged section of society
  • To empower the youth through providing skill set and make them employable
  • To facilitate healthcare services to people for their basic survival.
  • To Provide access of minimum infrastructure facility to the society.
  • To protect environment and resources for sustainable future.

National Presence

Spark Minda Foundation centers are spread across Uttarakhand, Haryana, Uttar Pradesh, Maharashtra and Tamil Nadu.
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our national Presence

CSR Approach

  • Sustainability and Impact Assessment

  • Replicability & Scalability in Identical areas

  • Value addition through innovations

  • Programme Implimentation review & Monitoring

  • Community Partnership for mobilization & support

  • Like minded collaboration for Levaraging Strength

  • Survey and Need Analysis to understand the Commiunity


Spark Minda Foundation