Spark Minda Group

Is one of the leading manufacturers of automotive components for the OEMs with Headquarters in Noida, India. The Group has a legacy of Community Development since decades.
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Our Inspiration


Our Inspiration

Community Development has always been a value-driven concept at Spark Minda Group, which Late Shri S.L. Minda “Babuji” started. His boundless vision and energy were not just restricted to business; he was a Philanthropist, Visionary and Founder of the Minda Group. He worked hard for the marginalised sections of society, focusing on education

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Shri Shadi Lal Minda(1930-2010)

Our Programmes

The main aim of Spark Minda Foundation is to strengthen community development by targeting Skilling, Livelihood Promotion, Women Empowerment, Facilitation of Healthcare, Empowerment of People with Disabilities and Sustaining the Environment.

Skilling and Livelihood Promotion

Skilling and Livelihood Promotion

We promote skill development and facilitate employment to underprivileged children and youth, focusing on women communities in rural and semi-urban India. arrow-long
Empowerment of People with Disabilities

Empowerment of People with Disabilities

In 2014, Spark Minda Foundation launched a Programme “Saksham” to ensure sustainability in the lives of People with Disabilities (PwDs) by adding a holistic approach to the programme. arrow-long
Health and Wellbeing

Health and Wellbeing

With the objective of providing health-related awareness, Spark Minda Foundation continuously conducts medical camps in the community nearby the factory area to identify the basic healthcare needs for its redressal in line with SDG 3 - Good Health and Well-being. arrow-long
Environment Sustainability

Environment Sustainability

We firmly believe that by taking a proactive approach to environmental stewardship, we can help shape a more sustainable future for ourselves and future generations. arrow-long
Prison Inmate Reform Programme

Prison Inmate Reform Programme

With this project we aim to create a crimeless society through imparting skills and providing employment accessibility to inmates in prisons. arrow-long

Awards & Reports

Sustainability Stories


Spark Minda Foundation